I’ve placed a few sponsorship requests with equipment companies and will be reviewing items I gather for the trip as I add them to my arsenal.
UPDATE 07/10/17: As predicted Mr. AMX and myself will be the only souls amongst our cadre to wander into the heart of wilderness-ness. Time and other constraints pulled everyone else out. On a high note we both have our itinerary apporoved by the Park and will be in our way early on the morning of our trip. I was only able to secure one product from the many companies I contacted, so I’ve scrubbed the promotional aspect this trip and will try again on future outings. I will continue to review my camping items as I use them.
UPDATE 07/29/17: The Marginally Epic Journey unfortunately came to a premeture end. Mr. AMX and I did enjoy the loop around the 7 lakes basin and along the Sol Duc River for two days of a good twenty five miles. It was some hard hot hiking up some gnarly terrain but well worth it. With our trip cut dramatically short we are hoping to get some fall hiking trips under our belt before we meet winter. I’ll be posting a gear list of what I took, mostly for myself because I don’t have any readers.